
I recently met an attorney who specializes in business law and she told me that she was embarrassed by her website. As a result, she has not taken opportunities to attend speaking engagements. She knew that speaking engagements would help her land more clients, but she also knew that attendees would go to her website to learn more and she didn’t want to risk them seeing her existing website. This is not the first time I have heard this comment from a business owner.

So I am wondering… Do you feel the same way?

Are you embarrassed by your website?

What opportunities are you passing up, because your website embarrasses you?

Here are three indicators that it may be time for you to redesign your website:

1. You built it yourself.

If you built your website yourself and you are not a web designer/developer by profession then I tip my hat to you, because it is nothing to laugh at. But unless you are an expert web designer and web developer you may have missed key elements that may be holding you back from generating leads from your website. For example, are the pages of your website well laid out and attractive to the eye? Do you have an eye-catching design that engages visitors? Does your website include your value proposition? Is it strategically positioned to engage visitors? Do you have the right call to actions? Does the images used reflect your buyers’ persona? These are some of the techniques and tactics experienced web designers implement to make sure your website performs superbly.

2. You don’t have a responsive design.

Matt Cutts, Head of Google’s web spam team indicated earlier this year that he wouldn’t be surprised if mobile internet search surpassed desktop usage this year. Why? Because more and more consumers are accessing the internet and websites using a mobile device such as a smartphone, tablet, iPad and other mobile devices. A responsive design makes it possible for users on these devices to access your website seamlessly. Responsive web design adjusts to different screen sizes to make websites more readable on mobile devices and make data entry more convenient. For example without a responsive design, not only will your content be difficult to access on a mobile device, but users may not be able to fill out your contact forms or click to call your phone number directly from their mobile device. This is a costly problem that prevents you from generating leads via mobile devices, especially because more than 33% of website traffic currently comes from mobile devices.

3. Your website doesn’t have lead generating magnets.

Lead generating magnets are an important part of your website’s lead generation strategy. Not every visitor that comes to your website will be ready to talk to you or buy right away. In most cases, they will simply browse your website and then disappear. You can use a lead generation magnet to capture those visitors’ attention and start building and nurturing a relationship with them. Ideal lead generation magnets are eBooks, educational resources, checklist for download, how to guides, free trials etc. Something that is attractive to your target audience that requires very little commitment on their part that allows you to capture permission based contact information such as a name, phone and email address.

An effective website is the key to increasing your business lead generation and sales, with a well executed strategy and implementation of key tactics. We can help!

Don’t Settle! Take Action Today and Watch Your Leads and Sales Soar.  Give us a call 877-877-4936 or visit us online at


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