Work With The Best
Small Business SEO Services Company

Get found online, rank higher on search engines, drive more traffic to your website, generate more leads, and attract more clients.

Increase Your Rankings, Leads & Phone Calls
with our Small Business SEO Services

Are you ready to rank higher on search engines, generate more leads, and get your phone ringing? Perhaps you have invested in SEO services before, and you haven’t seen any results. You’re still not ranking on the first page of Google. We get it; it can lead to frustration. The good news is that we only take on clients we believe we can get results for. When you contact us, we will discuss your goals, your target keywords, and review your website and the competitive landscape to let you know if we can help. If we can’t help you, we are happy to refer you to someone who can.

We pride ourselves on being able to provide SEO services for small businesses like yours and help you take advantage of this affordable solution to attract new clients and grow your business. SEO helps you reach the people who are searching for your services at a time when they need it. If you’re not showing up, you’re missing opportunities to generate leads and increase your revenue. Not showing up is costing you more clients, more revenue, and keeps you up at night.

Let us help. We will develop the right strategy and tactics to help you show up when your audience is searching for your services. We take a 360° approach to SEO by evaluating your website and competitors, identifying the right keywords to target, optimizing your website, increasing your authority, and ensuring your website has a strong technical foundation. We have a track record of success, and we are ready to help you.

Are you ready to see your business grow? Request a Free SEO Quote today! Let us show you how our tailored SEO strategies lead to better SEO results.

yelloCheckWeb Designer who is a Website Redesign Specialist

Increase Traffic to Your Website via
Search Engine

  • Rank Higher in Search Engines and Increase Your Brand Awareness

    Search Engine Optimization allows you to rank higher in the organic search results of search engines for keywords your target audience is using to search for businesses like yours. Become a more recognizable brand and increase your brand awareness with SEO

  • Reach Customers Who Are Searching for Your Services

    97% of all consumers search online for the products or services that they need [Forbes]. Chances are whatever product and/or services you offer, there are people searching for it on search engines. To reach those people you need to show up in search engines.

  • Generate Leads 24/7 & Increase Your Search Impression Share

    Paid ads can be costly and prevent you from showing your ads 24/7 due to a limited budget and high cost per click. With SEO, you can show your ads 24/7 once you are ranking. Increase your search impression share, website traffic, leads and sales.

Our Small Business SEO Service includes:

Preliminary Audit

We only take on clients we know that we can deliver results for. That’s why before we decide to take you on as a client, we conduct a preliminary audit to discover the keywords that you would like to show up for, the strength of your competitors and what opportunities that are available to you

Keyword Research

Targeting the right keywords is essential to your SEO success and is one of the biggest mistakes I see businesses make. Often the keywords that you are targeting are not the keywords that your ideal customers are using to search online for businesses like yours. We conduct in-depth keyword research to uncover the best keywords.

Competitive Analysis

We assess your competitors’ website to uncover what keywords they are ranking for and what opportunities are available for you to dominate. We also identify the authority of their website as a benchmark for where we need to get you. Through competitive research we can build an SEO strategy that position you for success.

On-page Optimization

Once we have identified the best keywords to target to get you more traffic and bring your ideal clients your way. We start optimizing your website, to ensure that your keywords are placed in the key areas the search engines crawl to determine if your website is relevant to a search.

Technical Optimization

Broken links, websites that take too long to load, websites without sitemaps, these are all factors that affect your ability to get to the first page for your keywords. We make sure that all these technical aspects are taken care of to ensure your website has the best chances of ranking on the first page.

Off-page Optimization

This includes attracting quality backlinks to your website to build the authority of your website. Google view each link to your website as a vote, we try to get you as many natural links as possible to help you outrank your competition. This includes submitting your website to directories, creating content, social sharing and more.

Why Work with us For
Small Business SEO Services?

Proven Track Record

Our track record of success helps our clients rank at the top of the search engines.

by Results

Everything that we do is focused on helping you achieve your goals and get results.

Monthly Reporting

Get monthly reports that outlines the work we are performing, your progress and our next steps

No Long-Term Contracts

We are committed to your success and earn your business, pay month to month, cancel anytime

Responsive Communication

We are available by phone or email to answer your questions and address your needs


Most importantly, we care deeply about our clients and we are passionate about helping you succeed


In the one year that I have been working with Captivate Designs, my revenue has increased from $35,000 per month to $80,000 per month with just the new website they built me and SEO alone. I recommend Captivate Designs to all my business friends and highly recommend them to anyone that needs a website or SEO.

Founder of a Pet Care Business


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Enter Your infromation below to discover why your competitors are ranking higher than you.



    Search engine optimization is basically the art and science of making your website appear in various search engine results. It involves a wide variety of practices including the creation of content, optimizing this content for your chosen keywords, and building backlinks to your site. When done successfully your website will rank for keywords and people will visit your website.

    SEO involves taking a strategic approach to optimizing your website for search engines. This process involves demonstrating relevancy with the right keywords and content, building authority, and ensuring that your website has a strong technical foundation.

    Search engine spiders first crawl your website to fetch all of your webpages. Those pages are then added to the search engine’s index, which acts a lot like a filing cabinet stored across thousands of servers. When a user conducts a search for a specific query, the search engine then searches the index to find the pages that include the search terms. Next, the search engine ranks the webpages according to their algorithm (a formula that evaluates over 200 factors on your website to determine your ranking).

    There are several factors that are taken into account when performing search engine optimization. Here at Captivate, we focus on four key pillars: Keyword Research, On-Page Optimization, Off-Page Optimization, and Technical Optimization. This approach has helped our clients rank at the top of the search engines results pages, as well as increase their website traffic, leads, and revenue.

    What are SEO Services?
    Your Comprehensive Guide to Everything SEO

    Your target customers are searching for you on Google and other search engines; therefore, SEO services for small businesses are no longer optional. If you are a small business, an ecommerce retailer, a service provider, a brick-and-mortar shop, or anything in between, SEO should be a part of your digital marketing strategy, if you’re looking to get more customers and grow your business. If you want to improve your visibility via the non-paid results on search engines keep reading. What exactly is SEO and how do you find the best SEO services for small businesses? Finding the best small business SEO agency starts by understanding your goals and finding a company who can help you achieve your goals. In this comprehensive guide to SEO services, we guide you through everything you need to find the best SEO services company, including key questions you need to ask.

    SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, encompasses a broad range of strategies and techniques that work together in harmony to improve and optimize your business website’s online presence. SEO services are provided by SEO companies, consultants or freelancers that specialize in SEO to ensure that your company’s website is visible to people who are searching for the products and services that you offer via search engines.

    SEO services are beneficial to various types of businesses and organizations for many reasons. Whether you are an ecommerce store, a franchise, a small business, or a local service provider, here are 4 reasons you should consider SEO services.
    • 1) SEO is a very cost-effective marketing technique compared to traditional methods: Marketing used to mean costly strategies like print ads, radio and TV commercials, or billboards. However, times have changed and today’s most consumers use online methods to find the products and services that they need. The great benefit of SEO is that you do not pay per click, per view or per impression, so you have the ability to get more visibility and increase website traffic.
    • 2) SEO Will Improve your Business’ Credibility Through Increased Online Visibility. When your business shows up at the top of a search engine’s results, it shows potential customers that your business is legitimate and credible. Many users trust search engines to show them the ‘best’ or most trustworthy sites first, so if you’re able to rank on the first page for relevant keywords, then it will show that your business is reputable and instill confidence in customers to click, and potentially purchase from your site.
    • 3) SEO Gives Local Service Providers and Small Businesses a Competitive Advantage. Even if you have a brick and mortar business, the reality today is that many people are using the internet to search for products and services they are interested in purchasing. By investing in effective SEO services, small businesses and local service providers can gain a competitive advantage.

    The cost for small business Search Engine Optimization can vary depending on a number of factors, but here is a breakdown of a few different SEO cost considerations:
    • 1) Hiring an Agency vs. Consultant vs. Freelancer The cost of hiring a freelancer or SEO consultant can be lower compared to hiring an agency, but they may only focus on specific aspects of search engine optimization. When you hire an SEO agency, you can gain access to a wider range of services and jobs are often completed in a shorter period of time since they have access to more manpower.
    • 2) Hourly vs. Monthly Rates Generally, SEO services cost anywhere between $50-$300 per hour, or between $500 - $10000 per month, depending on your location, the scope of work, the competitiveness of your industry and the scale of your campaign.
    • 3) Your Industry and Location The niche, industry, and geographic area you’re in can affect SEO service cost because targeting highly competitive keywords may potentially require more resources. Furthermore, the more specialized and complex your SEO needs are, the higher the cost will be.
    • 4) Your Business Goals Your business’ SEO goals will determine the types of services you receive, which will in turn affect the pricing. An SEO audit will be insightful in helping you determine your goals and needs. It will tell you if you should focus on things like on-page SEO, technical SEO, off-page SEO, and so on. If your goals are very ambitious, complex, or if they require long term commitments, the cost will generally be higher.
    The best thing to do Is request a custom quote or ask for a complementary SEO audit to determine the most accurate cost.

    • Small Business SEO Service: As the name suggests, Small Business SEO Services are designed specifically for small businesses who are looking to improve their online presence and enhance the visibility of their website on search engines.
    • Local SEO: Local SEO involves optimizing the online presence of a business for a specific geographic area so that when users use the phrase “near me” or attach a location-based search term -such as a city name- to their query, your business shows up. Local SEO is great for service providers such as doctors, contractors, or home service providers.
    • Enterprise SEO: Enterprise SEO services are designed to benefit larger businesses and organizations such as corporations, multinationals, large media companies, universities, healthcare organizations, or government agencies. This type of corporate SEO is more extensive and in-depth due to the complex nature of the organizations it seeks to serve.
    • E-Commerce SEO: E-Commerce SEO is specially dedicated to online retailers and businesses who aim to rank higher on search engines for relevant keywords their customers are using. This ensures the right type of user ends up on their website and has seamless user experience. E-commerce SEO often involves keyword optimization, product listing optimization, mobile optimization, and content marketing.
    • SEO Audit: An SEO audit is an invaluable tool for every type of business and involves a comprehensive analysis of your website’s current SEO performance. An SEO audit is done in the beginning stages of working with an SEO agency to give them a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of your website, as well as any opportunities available for improvement.
    • A la Carte SEO Services: In addition to offering comprehensive SEO packages, an SEO service company may also choose to offer a la carte services such as keyword research, on page SEO, and link building. A la carte services ensure that your business has everything it needs to run the most effective search engine optimization campaign.

    There are over 200 SEO ranking factors used by search engines like Google, but here are the most prominent ones that an SEO agency would optimize for:
    The Meaning of your Query: Search engines need to first interpret and understand the intent of your search query. They do so using very sophisticated language models that recognizes synonyms and corrects spelling errors to consider the meaning of your query before providing the most relevant search results. The best SEO companies will optimize to ensure that the content on your website aligns with the true meaning and intent behind users' search queries.
    Relevance of your Content: Search engines must determine whether the content found on a webpage has the correct and relevant information you might be searching for. One way to determine that is by looking at the keywords found in the headings and body of the website. If a webpage has the same keywords that you’ve typed into a search engine, then the search engine will think it is relevant to what you’re looking for. SEO service companies would optimize the content found on your website and align it with specific keywords and topics that users are searching for.
    Quality of Content (E-E-A-T): Next, search engines aim to ensure that the results you get are high quality. According to Google, search results should demonstrate experience, expertise, authoritativeness, trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) in order to be deemed high quality and prioritized at the top of search results. The right SEO company will optimize your website by establishing your content as credible, accurate, and trustworthy in the eyes of both users and search engines.
    User Experience of your Webpages: The User Experience of your website matters. How user friendly it is, your website’s mobile-friendliness, load time and other factors can be the determining factor on whether you rank higher than your competitors. The best SEO service provider will optimize for these technical aspects, among others, to ensure that search engines know that visitors will get a smooth and seamless user experience on your site.
    Authority: Authority has to do with how authoritative your website is. Authority can be measured on a scale of 1-100 with 100 being the most authoritative. Quality content can certainly contribute to your website’s authority, however one of the most important contributors to your website authority is getting links from other sites to yours. This can be a daunting and tedious task and it’s one of the key aspects of SEO that an SEO services company can help you with.

    • SEO Audit: An SEO audit allows you to see how well your website’s current SEO is performing by looking at all aspects of your website’s SEO such as site speed, user experience, keyword relevance, content quality, and your website’s current visibility on search engines, among others. The goal of an SEO audit is to provide valuable data and information on what your SEO goals should be and how you can best optimize your SEO using your current budget.
    • Competitor Analysis: A competitor analysis can be part of an SEO audit, but its goal is to provide information specifically on how your website compares against others in your niche or industry. Ultimately what you want to know is what your strengths and weaknesses are relative to your competition, and how you can gain a competitive advantage through SEO. It will also allow you to understand industry trends, emerging best practices, and strategies. It can also help you identify gaps between your website strategy and your competitors.
    • Keyword Research: Keyword research is a core aspect of SEO which involves both identifying and analyzing keywords that are relevant to your business or industry and then using that data for SEO tasks such as content creation and on-page SEO. Hundreds of thousands of keywords are used each minute to search for products, services, and information; these keywords provide important information about what people are looking for, search volume, and competitiveness.
    • On-Page SEO: On-page SEO involves optimizing keywords, meta titles, meta descriptions, and heading tags of individual webpages to improve your overall visibility and ranking on search engines. In essence, you’re working with elements of your website that are under your control to make it more search engine friendly.
    • Off-Page SEO: The goal of off-page SEO is to improve your website’s reputation and overall trustworthiness without making changes to the content and structure of your webpage (thus, “off-page”). Strategies for off-page SEO include strengthening backlinks, , content marketing, and link outreach which all help in making your website more authoritative.
    • Technical SEO: There’s a lot happening on your website behind the scenes, and that’s the focus of technical SEO. Site speed, site structure, mobile optimization, broken links, and the dreaded 404 error pages need to be optimized and corrected for the best user experience. Optimizing technical aspects is the backbone of how well your website performs on search engines and will give your site the solid foundation it needs to provide a good user-experience for your users.
    • Monthly SEO Reports: When working with an SEO company you should expect to receive monthly SEO reports which summarize your website’s performance for the month and tell you how effective your SEO strategy has been by providing data on the SEO tasks completed for the month and typically include keyword rankings, backlink progress, organic traffic to your website, and others metrics depending on the goals of your business and website. In addition to providing raw data, monthly reports should provide professional analysis of the data and recommendations for future SEO strategy.
    • Custom SEO Strategy: Most importantly, your SEO services should include a custom SEO strategy that takes into consideration your unique goals as well as what works for your industry, and your target audience. A custom SEO strategy will also adapt as your business grows and changes.

    The length of time it takes for you to see results from SEO will vary based on a many different factors and considerations. For example, if your website is very new and doesn’t have an established online presence, is currently in a state of extreme disrepair, has many technical issues, or poor content quality, results could take longer. On average, it takes about 3-6 months to see results from an SEO campaign, but it can take as much as a one year.

    SEO is an ongoing process. Staying at the top of search engine results and getting organic traffic requires regular maintenance and effort, however, many businesses choose to stop using SEO services if.
    • They are not seeing results as quickly as they’d like.
    • It’s too costly.
    • There is a lack of transparency with the SEO service company they are working with.
    On the other hand, some companies choose to stop using SEO services with one company and opt for another because they understand its importance for their business and don’t want to give up after one or two bad experiences. If you are a small business, finding the best small business SEO services could take weeks so be patient and don’t settle for a service provider that isn’t a good fit.
    Lastly, a company may choose to stop using SEO services when they get the results, they are looking for consistently over a long time period. Ultimately, the decision to stop using SEO services is dependent on your business, its budget, its goals, and the SEO company you hire.

    Freelancer Pros and Cons



    Cost effective compared to agencies or a small business SEO consultant, freelancers offer the most competitive pricing,

    Skill set is limited, usually to 1 or 2 areas of SEO so although the pricing is competitive, you may not receive the most comprehensive service.

    Flexible and adaptable to your timeline, your business goals, and any changes that may come their way.

    Limited resources can make it difficult for freelancers to take on large or complex projects. 

    Reduced bureaucracy means fewer decision makers are involved which means faster decision making.

    Lack of accountability, unlike agencies where employees have key people to report to, freelancers do not which can lead to miss deadlines, incomplete work or in some case disappearance. 

    Consultant Pros and Cons:



    Wide breadth and depth of knowledge  in their niche or industry.

    Limited availability due to other clients and commitments.

    Cost effective  when compared to working with an SEO agency.

    Potentially higher cost  than working with a freelancer.

    A wide network of connections  they can draw from to ensure your SEO campaign is successful.

    Limited Capacity  to handle more complex and large scale projects. 

    Agency Pros and Cons:



    Large Team  of experts including content writers, web developers, and project managers allow for more support.

    Higher Costs  means it could be less budget friendly if you are a small business.

    Professionalism and Reliability  which comes with having established standardized processes.

    Potential for Miscommunication  among multiple layers of leadership or across various team members.

    Comprehensive Services  means you can often get a one stop solution for all your SEO needs.

    Less Personalized Service   due to the breadth of clients taken on by large agencies. 

    • 1. Define your Goals: Reflect on why you want SEO services in the first place to determine what you’d like to achieve by working with a small business SEO company. You should try to loosely define specific goals such as ‘get 50 more online sales’ or ‘have better search visibility’, and your SEO consultant will help you hammer down the details.
    • 2. Understand your organization’s overall marketing budget: Since an SEO service provider can charge hourly, monthly, or as a project based fee, it’s important to know what percentage of your overall marketing budget you will be able to allocate toward an ongoing SEO campaign. Prioritize services that are most important to your business goals to help maximize your budget.
    • 3. Opt for a Long-Term rather than One Time SEO Strategy: Although a monthly or long-term SEO strategy may seem more costly at first, it will yield more ROI than a one-time investment. By its very nature, SEO can only be effective if implemented consistently over a longer period of time, usually 3-6 months to see significant results.
    • 4. If it seems ‘too good to be true’, it probably is: Don’t fall for cheap ads that promise you alot but claim they can do it for a fraction of what you’re seeing everywhere else. Do your research and consult with at least 3-4 different companies to get an idea of what market rates are for affordable SEO services for small businesses, and get quotes that outline exactly what the company will provide and deliver.

    When trying to determine whether paying for small business SEO services are worth it for your business, consider the following:
    It’s not worth it to pay for small business SEO Services if:
    • You expect immediate results: SEO is a long-term strategy that takes time so you will likely not see results right away. However, in the long-term it can be beneficial because you will not have to pay per click for traffic and can increase your visibility, traffic, leads and sales for a fraction of the cost of if you were getting the same results via pay per click.
    • You have a very small budget of less than $500/month: If you are unable to support an ongoing SEO strategy then you will be stuck choosing one time SEO services or a company that overpromises and underdelivers. Both are situations you want to avoid.
    • It is worth it to pay for small business SEO services if:
    • You have limited manpower: If your organization does not have the resources to implement and maintain an SEO campaign or strategy, then it’s best to pay an SEO service provider to avoid losing time, valuable resources, and money.
    • You are seeking long term growth: If you want increased organic traffic, better search engine rankings, improved website visibility, and a competitive advantage, then paying for small business SEO services is worth it.
    • You need to generate leads for your business: Search engine optimization for small businesses is a worthwhile investment for lead generation because SEO enhances online visibility, attracts targeted traffic, not to mention that studies show that users prefer to click on the organic results vs the paid results, because they tend to trust the organic SEO results.
    • You currently do not show up on Google: Not showing up on a key search engine such as Google means potential customers can’t find you online. SEO can help you get more clients and customers by putting you in front of your target audience when they are searching for your products and/or services. This will give you a competitive advantage.

    Effectiveness is a subjective term and therefore what you consider “effective” may not be for another business. Your SEO goals, KPIs set by your business, and the expectations you have of the services provided will determine effectiveness. Generally speaking, using metrics such as organic traffic, conversion rates, revenue generated, and search engine rankings will allow you to measure the effectiveness of your SEO services.




    More expertise means it is more likely to be effective

    Costs money and will impact your overall budget

    Save time so you can focus on running your business

    You will miss out on the opportunity to learn something new and grow your skills

    Access to much more advanced resources, connections, networks, and tools 

    You can sometimes become over-dependent on professionals, becoming complacent

    Accountability to get you results and provide reports

    There is a risk of losing money if you find someone who is not delivering results


    On Your Own



    You will save money which makes it ideal to try on your own if you have a very small budget

    It is a very steep learning curve with many complex challenges that can take years to learn

    You will gain valuable and deep insights into your business by being more hands on

    There is a big risk of making errors and setting your company back even further

    You will be able to ensure that your SEO aligns perfectly with your brand and vision

    It is very labor intensive and takes up a lot of time

    You will have complete control of your entire SEO strategy

    Since you have limited expertise, it will be slower to get results


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