You have three seconds to captivate the attention of your website visitors; from the moment they land on your website, your job is to make sure that your website is one that appeals to your visitors visually, so that they are enticed to stick around longer and learn about what you do, what you have to offer and what problems you solve.
The image of your website is the passport that your website visitors use to pre-qualify you before they even get to read your website content. So donā€™t think that you will make up in content for what your website lacks in visual appeal because they wonā€™t make it that far if your new website redesign isnā€™t appealing.
Great design communicates your message clearly and is not a hindrance. A user-friendly website consists of effective presentation, functionality and efficiency. Make sure your website meet these criteria.

Here are five elements that you must balance when redesigning your website


Proper Use of Color

Stick to no more than three colors, this will prevent you from overwhelming your website visitors. Colors have meaning, be mindful of choosing the right colors that represents the feel that you want to convey.Ā  Avoid clutter by having lots of white space, without it your design will look like a crowded room. If you already have marketing materials stick to the same colors so that your brand has consistency if you donā€™t plan on redoing them.


Stick to a simple logical layout that is easy for others to scan and read.Ā  It is very easy to get caught up in ā€œcutting-edgeā€ designs that are different, but different isnā€™t always practical. Design with your target audience in mind. It is ok if your homepage layout differs from the inside pages. Simply make sure that your logo and header is consistent throughout all the pages to maintain a cohesive theme or style.


Use font size and styles that your grandma can easily read. Thatā€™s the rule of thumb. Use larger font sizes to emphasize headlines and small font size to distinguish text. Get your points across easily and effectively by itemizing your content in a bulleted list format. It will be easy for your customers to read and search engines view bulleted text as highly relevant.


Use images that represent the personas of your target market.Ā  Some experts argue to avoid using stock photos; however, some small businesses may not have the budget to get professional photos.Ā  I believe a picture is worth a million words and getting the right image that captures the mood, expression or goal that resonates with your target market can make all the difference between that person contacting you or moving on.


Itā€™s best to keep your navigation bar at the top; it is where people expect it to be.Ā  Make sure it is easy to navigate and return from one page to another. Make the name of the page that visitor is on clear, by using highlighted text or some other form of highlighting where the visitor is.Ā  For optimal navigation, repeat the menu tabs at the bottom of the page, as well as create a sitemap.Ā  Creating a sitemap also helps search engines to find an index the pages on your website more easily.

What are Some of the Tactics You Are Using to Captivate Your Website Visitors’ Attention? Leave your comment below.
Website Not Performing? Feel free to Contact us for a Free No Obligation Consultation on to find out if a Website Redesign is right for you. Call 877-877-4936

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