
Everyday business owners contact me about their website and one of their biggest frustration is their website isn’t performing.  They are getting traffic but very little leads. As I review their website to identify what the problem is, one of the first things I look for is whether or not there are calls to action on the website.  More often than not there aren’t any.  Calls to action on your website are extremely important, because they motivate visitors to take the next step.  Without it, there’s no doubt your website would underperform.

So here are five tips for integrating call to actions that will boost your website performance

1.    Your website must always have two calls to action. A primary and a Secondary. A primary call to action is for visitors that are in buying mode, such as get a free quote, request a free consultation, order now, schedule an appointment.  Your secondary call to action should be geared towards visitors that are in the research stage and are not ready to buy, when this is the case, you need to stay in front of this visitor in order to nurture the relationship and let them know you are the best choice. Great secondary call to actions are sign up for our newsletter, download a free checklist, subscribe to our blog.
2.    Your call to action buttons must stand out and they must be large enough to capture the attention of your website visitors.
3.    Conversion optimization research and testing has shown that certain colors perform better when it comes to call to action buttons. Colors such as red, orange, green or blue yield higher conversions than black or grey call to action button. Even amongst the top colors, red performs better than green.  Behind every color there is a meaning and the psychology of it affects the outcome of your website conversion.
4.    Calls to action are not only for your homepage, they must appear on each page of your website in order to be effective. In marketing, there is a saying, “say it once and say it again”. Positive reinforcement is the key.  Visitors more than likely will venture off to other pages on your website, without call to actions on every page of your website, you would be making it more difficult for visitors to contact you, why not make it easy?
5.    Place all calls to action above the fold.  On the homepage, the mid-section is a great place. Adding calls to action on the upper right corner is also a great place that would make your call to action visible to your website visitors, making it easier for them to take action.

Need Help Improving Your Website Performance? Give us a call today at 877-877-4936 or visit us online to request a Free Website Redesign. Quote

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