
Getting a website design is not about you. It’s about your website visitors, and what you can do to make it easy for them to do business with you. When a visitor gets to your website, if they are not happy with what they are seeing or experiencing, they will simply abandon your website and go to the next. Your job when getting a new website design or a website redesign is to ensure that you cover all your bases to make sure that your visitors stay on your website and complete the goals you have set, which is to generate a lead or get a sale.
The following five add-ons may seem simple, but is often overlooked or not integrated into a website design, but can have a big impact on increasing your website conversion to lead or sale ratio.


1. Increase Font Size

Experts recommend that your font size be at least 12 point. But there is no way to really tell if this is viable across the board, because we all use different monitor size, quality, and settings to access the internet and its more difficult to read through a screen than read on paper due to low resolution. That’s where the option for a user to increase a font size on a website comes in. Rather than that user abandoning your site because the font size is too small or difficult to read, you offer them the option to increase or decrease the font size, so it’s easier for them to continue browsing your website. This will allow the user to adjust the size of your website text up or down for an enhanced user experience which will lead to increase conversion and a lower website abandon rate.


2. Print This Page

As previously indicated, screens are less readable than paper, but more importantly so many of us are on the go, won’t it be more convenient if a user can print out the relevant pages of your website, rather than sit in front the screen for as long as it will take to read through your information. The user will also be able to make notes, which will come in handy especially if they are comparing you to a competitor. So why not use the print the web page on your computer? Well, since the print this page on your computer is not configured to your website, very often parts of the page is cut off, this is why adding a specific print this page to your website, is more beneficial and useful.


3. Email This Page

Referrals, continues to be one of the highest source of new business for business owners, making it easy for your users to share your website with others can only help your business.


4. Bookmark This Page

Oftentimes I am surfing the internet to research a product or find a service provider, although I may not be ready to buy just yet. This is where having a bookmark this page feature on your website comes in, you’re calling out your visitors to save your information for later use.


5. Share This

Social Media has become a big part of marketing and getting the word out about your business. Using the addon”share this” especially for twitter, facebook, linkedin, stumbleupon or digg, is a great way to get your users to spread the word about your website to their entire network. Won’t it be nice to let another 1000, 2000, or even 3000 plus people become aware of your website and business, by the share gesture of your website visitor.
By making all these add on present on your website and in the face of your users, you are calling them to action which will benefit both you and them and help you increase your website visitors, conversions, lead generation and sales.
It is time to think of your small business website on a wider scale and not just as pages you add. Your website is a marketing machine that’s waiting to be exploited, take advantage of your investment; by doing all you can to make it a success.

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