
I was recently at a client meeting, the firm has over 500 employees and has been in business for over 20 years. At the meeting, the owner confided to me that they do not use their website to get business, because they are so established a lot of their business comes through word of out mouth. However, the main reason he wanted to redesign his website was because people often looked at their website once they heard of them before calling and their website did not match up with the strength and capabilities of their company, which affected their credibility.  The point is that it doesn’t matter how big or small you are or how established or new you are, prospective customers are judging you and forming an opinion about your company based on the looks of your website and what is included on it. Your website is the new gatekeeper and if it isn’t up to par, it will turn people away before they even get to know who you are and what you can do for them.

Here are 5 Website Inclusions that can help you boost your business credibility

Testimonials and Reviews

Great, well written testimonials that attest to the problems you solve and how you helped your clients are even better than website content and will provide instant credibility for your business. The key is keeping your testimonials fresh and updated and relevant to the services you provide and the results you can deliver.

Case Studies

Before and after images or a well written summary that provides an overview of the company, the challenges they faced and how you helped them solve the problem will go a long way. Including case studies will help your prospective customers instantly recognize that you are the best company to help them solve their problems.

Press Mentions

If your company have ever been mentioned in the press, featuring it on your website also gives credibility to you as a recognized expert in your field by being published in well-respected publications. If you don’t have the budget to hire a PR company, don’t worry, websites such as can help you get into the press.

Affiliation Logos

If you belong to industry associations, you have been recognized by your peers or received awards, adding those affiliation logos on your website increases your credibility and will make prospective customers feel more secure in doing business with you.

Contact Information

Lately, I find that on websites, it is very difficult to locate a phone number or other contact information. Making it difficult to locate your contact information immediately sets off red flags and make it seem like you have something to hide. It is important for prospective customers to know that they can reach you if they need to. Make your contact information visible on your website and on each page.

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