
Do you have a hard time coming up with blog title ideas? If so, blog title generators make life a bit easier for bloggers, or businesses with a blog. Most importantly, they cut down on the time it would take for you to come up with blog titles.

What is a blog title generator?

Blog title generators are tools designed to provide ideas for topics to create content on, whether you’re looking for topics with a catchy headline or ideas that are search engine friendly.

How do blog title generators work?

Blog title generators are easy to use. Simply enter a keyword that you would like to create an article on such as “blog title generators” or a topic such as “ethics”and it will return a list of suggested titles. Simply go through the list to find ideas that may be most appealing to you and your target audience.

What my selection of blog title generators are based on.

1. They are free
2. You don’t need to login to access the data
3. They provide high quality suggestions that you’ll want to write about

What are some of the top blog title generators?

Answer The Public Content Ideas Tool
Answer The Public is a free tool that I consider part keyword research, part content ideas. The fact that it has dual purpose makes it a must have tool in your SEO arsenal. A unique feature is it shows you suggestions based on what people are searching for in 14 countries, so if you are in the U.S., you can select U.S., if you’re in the U.K., you can select U.K., and so on. It also uses a simple data visualization format to display questions that people are asking. Another reason it’s at the top of my list is because it has an export feature that makes it easy for you to compile the list of suggestions.
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ContentIdeator by ContentForest
A lot of time and money is wasted on content that provides little website traffic. ContentIdeator provides you with ideas for content by showing you what’s working in your niche so you can create content that yields results. It also allows you to search via different web properties, including blogs, forums and social media. This tool comes with a paid and free version; the free version allows you to search by keyword or topic to generate ideas, while the paid version allows you to search by entering a domain, which can be your competitor or your own.
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Tweak Your Biz Title Generator
Simply enter your keyword or topic and this blog title generator will give you a wide variety of suggestions. Some of them may be a bit overkill, however by going through this list you will find a lot of great gems and most likely fill your editorial calendar with blog post ideas for the next year. Visually, it’s a bit scrappy and not as clean as some of the other tools, but it’s worth checking out.
BuzzSumo Blog Topic Generator
Want to know what the hot topics are in your niche or industry? Buzzsumo, makes it easy to find out what’s popular in your niche and provides you with popular content ideas. Sort by content type, include articles, infographics, guest posts, giveaways and interviews. See what’s been popular in the last 24 hours, the last week or the past year. Discover how popular any article is by getting the breakdown of how much it has been shared via the top social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and LinkedIn. Simply enter a keyword topic or domain and hit search to get content ideas and data at your fingertips.
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Make a Website Blog Idea Generator
A very easy to use blog idea generator that gives you suggestions for a week’s worth of blogging at a time. Simple enter your topic or a noun and click the Get Blogging button to get ideas. If you keep entering that get blogging button you will continue to get new suggestions.
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Kiss PR Blog Topic Generator
Ideal for beginners, this tool will give you some basic blog topic ideas to get you started. It’s easy to use and requires no sign-up. It provides seven (7) blog topic ideas at a time. To get more ideas for the same keyword, simply keep hitting the generate button.
Zelezny Blog Topic Generator
This tool is AWESOME! As I entered my topic and hit the GET IDEAS button, I was impressed with the very first suggestion and it just got better from there. It provides solid blog titles that are sure to engage readers and grab their attention.
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Prozely Blog Title Generator
Possibly one of the most beautiful interfaces of the blog title generators I have come across. This tool is not perfect but there are certainly some gems that can be found in here. Simply enter your keyword and hit go. Once you get the initial suggestions of blog title ideas, hit more titles until you have a list of titles that excites you.
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Bloomberry Blog Title Generator
Bloomberry is a total gamechanger. A tool founded by the popular brand BuzzSumo, Bloomberry finds the most popular questions asked by your target audience on sites like Quora and Reddit and provides you with a list of those questions grouped together by categories. Creating content around the questions your target audience is asking, ensures that you always have content people want to read. Simply enter a keyword or company name in the search box and hit enter to search.
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What’s your process for coming up with blog topic ideas? Do you use a blog title generator? Share it with us in the comments below.


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