
7 tips on how to get your blog noticed and increase website traffic.

Blogs that bring you traffic and leads

How to get your blog noticed and increase traffic to a blog is a question on the minds of many business people who blog.
I have several blog posts ranking on the first page of Google.
As you can see above, for one keyword, I have captured two spots on the results page: the #1 spot and the #4 spot, outranking websites like HubSpot, a publicly traded marketing software company with 270 million in annual revenue and over 800 employees.

This is a great example of how small businesses like yours and mine can compete with the big guys.

But most importantly, blogs can bring you traffic and leads if they are done correctly.
Blogs help you position yourself as a subject matter expert, and they give you more credibility. Blogs are the perfect solution to demonstrating your knowledge and expertise and getting people to know, like and trust you, making it easier for them to decide to buy from you.

Here are 7 blogging tips on how to get your blog noticed


Step 1: Find out what topics people are searching for

In order to drive traffic to your blog, the first step is to stop coming up with blog post topics by guessing. Use real data that can be found using the Google Keyword Planner Tool to get keyword ideas based on the questions and queries your target audience is making online. This will help you create content of value to your audience that they really want to read.


Step 2: Create content around what people are searching for

The second step to increasing blog traffic is to create content around what people are searching for. This will help you expand your reach, create brand awareness, and show up in search engine results. Google Keyword Planner Tool will give you as many as 700 keyword ideas and identify keywords that have at least 10 or more searches per month. Narrow your list of keyword ideas by analyzing the difficulty of each keyword. To do so, use a free tool such as SEM Rush Keyword difficult tool. Simply copy and paste up to 10 keywords at a time to get the difficulty score. I have found a score of 70% or less to be a good keyword to target.


Step 3: Include call-to-actions or lead magnets in your content

The key to generating leads or building your email list from blogs is to ensure that you have call-to-actions that speak to your overall goal. Looking to build your email list? Offer a free download where a user needs to input an email address to access it. Want to generate a lead? Include a call-to-action with a form that a visitor can use to fill out a request for a consultation or get a free quote or estimate directly in your blog post. Note that it must make sense for the post. Ensure that your call-to-action is clear, highly visible and stands out amongst your text.


Step 4: Optimize your content for search engines

Search engines are one of the top ways to get more blog traffic and reach people that don’t already know you exist. In order to show up in online searches, search engines match queries made by users to the content on websites by looking in key places. Hence, its vitally important for you to optimize each blog post or page on your website for the keywords that you want to show up in search results. Ensure that you include your keywords in your page title, your page url, your meta description, your headline and sub headlines and throughout the body of your content. These small steps signal to the search engines that your content is relevant to queries that include the keywords that you’re targeting.


Step 5: Submit your content to search engines

It can take weeks before search engines crawl your website and list your new blog post in their index. A quick and easy way to get your new blogs indexed and ranked fast in search engines is to submit them through Google Search Console using the Fetch and Render Tool. This will have your new blog post indexed in search engines in a matter of days rather than weeks.


Step 6: Promote and share your content on social media

One of the things that search engines pay attention to is the popularity of your content, often referred to as social signals. Likes, comments and shares on your blog posts matter. Ensure that you have a social sharing plugin integrated into your blog to make it easy for your visitors to share your content on social media. Also, it’s a great idea to take it a step further and share your content on your various social media platforms.


Step 7: Get other websites to link to your content

One of the biggest ranking factors is the number of other websites linking to your website. It’s a great idea to reach out to other websites that are in the same industry as you and that may find your content useful and ask them to reference your content in their own blogs or link back to you. For example, if you’re an insurance agent, a chamber of commerce may find your article on business insurance helpful and may reference that article in their blog or newsletter. This helps you to gain a valuable link and helps drive traffic to your website.

Following the above steps will help you get traffic to your blog and generate leads. If you need help discovering what keywords your ideal clients are searching for online or you want to launch a blogging strategy to increase website traffic and leads. Contact us today for a free blogging quote or call 877-877-4936

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