

A local SEO landing page is an important part of your local SEO strategy. It helps you increase your relevance and increases your chances of ranking for a specific keyword in your target location. This is especially important if you have tried ranking one page for multiple cities and have not had any luck to date.

What is a Local SEO Landing Page?

A local SEO landing page is a single, standalone page hosted on your website’s domain. Typically, this type of landing page is focused on ranking a specific keyword for a specific location. For businesses with multiple brick-and-mortar sites or coverage areas, multiple local SEO landing pages are necessary. As search engines automatically return results associated with the searcher’s geographic area, these pages help to boost your chances of ranking on search engines like Google for the location and keyword you’re targeting. While landing pages may share many elements with your company’s home page, they must also include specific, actionable information to elevate the user experience in a way that demonstrates you understand the needs of your users and are the best choice for them.

Elements of a Local SEO Landing Page

The most successful local SEO landing pages include key elements, such as unique geo-specific content.
Here is a list of the elements you must include on your local SEO landing page:


How to Create Content for a Local SEO Landing Page

When creating content for your local SEO landing page, it’s important to keep your target audience in mind. Yes, your local SEO landing page is designed to help you rank in organic searches, but remember you need to design the page for users as well.

Consider what will help you convert visitors into leads and sales.

By following this guide for creating a local SEO city landing page, you will be well equipped to increase your rankings for local searches. While this is a great framework to use for each of your local SEO landing pages, it’s important that the content you create for each local SEO landing page is unique.  If you are interested in having us help you rank locally. Learn more about our local seo services.

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