
Drive Traffic to your web site

instantly without optimizing your website by using carefully crafted articles. Inbound marketing focuses on bringing people to you. There are number of different inbound marketing techniques, the most popular ones are pay per click, search engine optimization, article marketing and blogging. Leads generated utilizing inbound marketing techniques are highly qualified and convert at a higher rate.

In this article, I would like to share five tips for using article marketing to drive traffic to your website instantly. Article marketing is a great inbound marketing technique used by many small business owners, because of the advantages it offers:
• It is much more affordable than pay per click or search engine optimization
• It helps you to establish yourself as an expert and establish credibility with your target market
• It is viral in nature, if you write great articles that are useful people will share it with others

Keyword Research

Before writing your article, perform keyword research for low competition keywords that are being searched for by your target audience. Great keywords are long tail keywords that have three or more words. Using Google keyword tool you can find great long tail keywords that will make excellent article titles.
Use your keyword in your article title – Your article title should be either your long tail keyword, or include the keyword you are optimizing for at the start of the title preferably. For example Drive Traffic to Your Web Site Instantly without Optimizing Your Website

Repeat the keyword at the beginning of the first sentence

Always include your keyword at the beginning of the first sentence in your keyword article because this is a highly searchable area and it will increase your article’s chance of getting found by the search engines.

Ensure Your Article is at least 500 words

Quality articles are at least 500 words in length and get greater credibility. To find out your article word count, use the word count tool in your word processor to determine the article count. You can also go to and copy and paste your text to get a valid word count.

Include the keywords in Your Article no more five times

Keyword stuffing your article is a sure way to get your article banned from directories and search engines. However, your article must contain the right keyword density for it to be effective. A rule of thumb for effective article marketing that drive traffic to your web site instantly is to repeat your keyword no more than five times in the body of the article.

Use the keywords in your byline at least two times

Once you have written your articles, you must submit it to article directories so that it can be indexed and get found by the search engines. Because these article directories have so much content, they rank high and they are highly optimized, therefore when someone searches for the keywords that your article is written about, it will show up, when it does, you need to ensure that you have a byline so that the readers can locate the author of the article. A great way to do this is to add your keywords to the byline, and link your keywords to your website; this is referred to as anchor text. Most directories will allow you two links in your byline. Take advantage of it, because this is how you drive traffic to your web site instantly.

Finally, if you target a local market, use keywords that contain the name of the city or county that you are targeting as well as the state for e.g as a web design company naturally my main keyword is web design, to increase our chances since we are based in New York, we are much likely to get found for New York web design than just web design.

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