
Driving qualified traffic to your website is only piece of the internet marketing puzzle. Your website must be setup to get your visitors to take action. An effective website design fuses creative graphics with technology and strategic placement of your call to actions to communicate with your visitors. One way to entice your website visitors and turn them into a lead or a sale is to entice them with the right call to action.

Calls to action are action phrases that are used to boost lead generation and sales. When it comes to call to actions, simple is best. Keep it short and sweet. Let’s take a look at four website designs that was done right.


Sales nexus has a simple, clean and yet professional design. They have three calls to actions that are within screenshot, no need to scroll. First they have a compelling headline followed by the call the action – “Take a FREE Test Drive”, which leads to a form, where they are able to capture your information, before you try their product for free. Next, they provide you with another call to action “Request a Free Demo”, where they will walk you through the use of their product; finally they engage you, by encouraging you to “Ask a Question”. These three excellent calls to actions will get their visitors engaged in the process and get them to take action. Well done Salesnexus!



There website design is simple yet not overly enticing, but they must be doing something right with thousands of customers to date. Their call to action “Sign up for $1” is irresistible, makes me want to sign up just because it’s a dollar even though I don’t need it. If you like to shop, think about the number of items you buy just because it’s cheap not because you need it. Excellent job Awebber!


Survey Monkey

Great professional design, supported by in your face customer testimonials presented strategically and even more strategic is their call to action. It’s as if they are ushering you through a store, Get Started Today! Basic Plan Sign up for FREE. With so many satisfied customers why not try us for free. Their website instills credibility and establishes trust right from the start. Awesome Job Survey Monkey!


Captivate Web Design

Aside from the fact that Captivate Designs website is professional, clean and very easy to navigate; it has two calls to action on the homepage. The first Request a Free Quote, let’s customers know that it is risk free, no obligation to purchase. This allows Captivate Web Design to engage the visitor and get an opportunity to provide them with a quote and information on why they are the best choice. The second offers a Sign up for a Free Newsletter, everyone likes something for free, but most importantly it allows Captivate the opportunity to stay in front of the visitor who is in the market for a web design company, they can continue to market to them and nurture the lead by providing useful information and tips and highlighting their expertise in web design.

These are just four examples, feel free to send us call to actions that you think are effective, or your website to critique your call to action or sign up for a free website evaluation to see how you can turn more visitors into leads and customers.


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