
Last week I sent out an email stating that if you wanted to get leads fast, pay per click marketing is a great way to do so.In response to that email, one business owner emailed me the following, “I used to have Google AdWords, but even though I had many hits I had ZERO opt-ins or follow-ups to my email address or phone number so I dropped the program.”I have heard and seen this scenario many times. Here’s how you can fix the problem and get high quality leads.


1. Start with the right keywords

Google AdWords centers around bidding in an auction on keywords that should match the online searches of your target audience. If you don’t get your keywords right from the start this alone will lead to failure.
Keyword research is paramount to finding out what your ideal clients are searching for when they make a query on Google.There are many tools out there that you can use to do keyword research, however a good starting point is the Google Keyword Planner tool. This tool helps you uncover what people are searching for and what the search volume is on average per month for each keyword, so you can determine if there’s enough volume to even pursue a keyword.


2. Use keyword match types to your advantage

When creating a campaign inside Google AdWords, there’s something called keyword match types. Keyword match types are essentially guidelines you set to specify what kind of searches your ads get shown for.

There are 4 different keyword match types:


3. Standalone landing pages are key

In the world of marketing, a landing page is a standalone page that’s separate from your website and is set up to support a specific ad campaign with a singular focused objective to get visitors to do one thing.
Landing pages generally do not have a menu bar and are not accessible from your main website because they are designed to take visitors straight to what they are looking for instead of having to spend time searching for it.Landing pages are designed to remove friction, overwhelm and distraction so that a visitor can stay focused on the objective at hand.There are different types of landing pages. Some landing pages are simply lead generation focused, where a visitor may fill out a form. There are also sales focused landing pages which are focused on getting someone to buy something.An important part of our strategy when we take on a new client for pay per click management is creating dedicated landing pages for the ads that we will be running.


4. Congruence of message & follow through is important

It is important that the message on your landing page matches your ad copy and builds on it. When a visitor lands on your website, they should see exactly what was promised to them in that ad, otherwise you reduce your chances significantly of converting that visitor into a lead or sale.For example, if you did an online search for LED lightbulbs you are indeed looking for something very specific. If when you click on that ad, you are taken to a page where you are shown different types of lightbulbs other than LED, you may be less inclined to buy or you may simply hit the back button and leave the website.This is a very common issue for advertisers;  not delivering on what the ad promised and what the user searched for.As part of every campaign that we work on we create specific ads and landing page copy designed to help increase conversion rates.


5. A well-functioning landing page

Of course, you can setup the most strategic AdWords campaign, but none of that matters if you have a landing page that is not functioning properly. Ensure that your page loads quickly, and that your forms or buy now buttons are  working.
Once you have concluded that you have a well-functioning page, your focus should be on testing your landing page content to see if you can increase conversion rates.
Test the same landing page with different content to see which content appeals more to your target audience and performs better.


Maximizing your results

Just taking these steps if you haven’t already done so, improve the results you get from your campaign. However, it’s important to understand that in marketing, set it and forget it doesn’t work. You must continuously monitor your campaign and make adjustments if you are to maximize your results and return on investment.

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