
Pay attention to what you just did! No really, did you just type this phrase into a search engine “how do I get people to my website”? Most likely you did.Are you looking for a solution to a challenge that you are facing and you turned to the internet for the answer?


Guess what?

Your target customers are doing the same thing, turning to the internet to find the answer to the challenges that they are facing that you can help them with.

  1. So the first step to getting people to your website is to find out what challenge or solution that they are searching for using Google Keyword Tool.  For example if you are a plumber, a potential customer may be searching for do it yourself tips on how to fix a leaky pipe or if you are a business coach, a potential customer may be looking for the answer to growing their business in the New Year. Start by entering a combination of phrases into Google Keyword Tool to get more ideas.
  2. The second step is to narrow down the list of possible topics to address by finding the search phrase that has the least competition and the most searches.
  3. The third step is to create an effective article that addresses the challenge and provides a solution.
  4. The fourth step is to publish your article in article directories, on your blog, Facebook or Twitter Page and if you are so inclined turn it into a Youtube video as well. The more places that you are able to publish your article the more people will see it and the more traffic you will ultimately get to your website.


Those searching for a solution will no doubt come across your article and ultimately be directed back to your website or contact you to for more information.
Nicole McCullum is the founder of Captivate Designs a Web Design, Branding and Internet Marketing Company that specializes in Website Redesign that helps businesses increase leads and sales. For more tips on “How do I get people to my websitesubscribe to our blog.

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