
Many business owners are very often left wondering, why their websites are not working for them, why it isn’t delivering the results that they want. Well, one of the reasons may very well be that you’re not giving your visitors what they came for or you’re not making easy for them to do business with you.

You see websites and web design as a whole go beyond the pretty aesthetics, flash, music, videos and other bells and whistles that appear on so many sites that fail to deliver. Following are some tips that should help you increase your website success.

Implement a Website Strategy

Website Design, should be treated just as any other marketing strategy, such as print, television, radio or direct mail, it must be carefully thought out and executed. When designing a website, you should have a thorough understanding of your target market and what they are looking for. You should also know who your competitors are and what they are doing, this way you can position yourself ahead of them.

Answer Your Website Visitors Questions

In addition, when a prospect visits your website, you need to make very clear what you do, what you’ve done for others and more specifically what you can do for them. The reason being is because when someone comes to your website they are looking for answers and clarity. Failure to answer or address your visitor’s questions on your site will send your prospects to your competitor(s).

Your content must be well written to get the reaction that you want, including sales specific call to actions, prompting them to take the step(s) that you want them to take.

Create a Steady Flow of Leads

Collect Your Customers Information with a Newsletter Signup Box, Free Report or Article Download. Since, they are already at your website, you can be certain that they are interested in your product/or service and although they may not be ready to buy at the moment, you can continue to market to them through a more affordable means like email marketing.

Tell them what you can do for them by displaying case studies, keep them informed and highlight your expertise with white papers or articles or better yet, keep them coming back with a blog.


Make it Easy for Your Website Visitors to Spread the Word

Add a Tell-a-Friend feature to your website. It’s an affordable and easy way to have your web site visitors and paying customers refer you to their friends and family. You may also want to add a bookmark this site feature to your website, so that customers can easily remember you, when they are ready to make a purchase or utilize your service.

Make it Easy for Your Website Visitors to Take the Next Step

One of the things that upset people the most is when they visit a website and they have to search for the phone number or contact information. How are you going to convert your website visitors, if you make it difficult for them to contact you? Add a call to action box to request a free consultation or quote or better yet point them to your online store. If you offer a service, package your services, so they can order it online.

Close the Sale and Provide Superior Customer Support

Explore the benefits of adding a live chat feature onto your website, so that you can connect with your customers from the moment they get to your site. Live Chat will allow you to answer any of their questions, tell them why they should do business with you and more importantly help you close the sale. Click here to learn more about Live Chat.

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