
There comes a time when every solo or small business owner reaches a plateau in their business, where both revenue and growth begins to stagnate.

Sales are flat and burnout and overwhelm seeps in.  How do you get past this growth wall?

Accept that you can’t do it alone

Seek the help of those that have a track record for getting you over this hurdle. You may need to hire a coach or seek out a mentor who can hold you accountable and provide you with the guidance you need to take your business to the next level.

Change your mindset

Start seeing your business in a new light, one that involves you letting go of the reigns and giving up control. It’s never easy to get out of your comfort zone; fear and self-doubt are exactly the reasons why you’re stuck.

Document Your Processes

Growing requires building a team that allows you to scale the business. This requires that you document all of your processes so that it can be easily replicated by new hires. Your role has to change from working in the business to becoming a manager of the business; it’s the only way to grow.

Commit to Investing in Your Business

An investment of time or money, or both is crucial to sustain and grow your business.  Marketing, new hires, larger office space, productivity tools, investment in personal development and leadership, all need to be considered and acted upon in order to support the growth of your business. Maintaining the status quo is not an option.

Coalesce a Network

Being a small or solo business owner can be lonely at times. That’s why it’s important to stay inspired by coalescing a network of people who are motivated and invested in their business.  Networking with others who share your desire to grow will keep you motivated and give you the strength to overcome your fear and self-doubt when it seeps in.

What challenges are preventing you from expanding your business?  Leave a comment, let us know how we can help.

Nicole McCullum is the founder of Captivate Designs, a New York Web Design company that helps  small businesses and entrepreneurs attract more clients online through captivating  website redesign, do it for your SEO services and do it yourself SEO Training.

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