

As you work on optimizing your website and adding new keywords and pages, you will want to ensure that those pages get indexed by Google fast.

Generally, it can take as much as six weeks to get your site indexed by Google. Some estimate as much as three months. That’s a long time to wait to see results, when you are looking to generate new leads online. If you are unable to locate your website pages on search engines, it could also mean that those pages were never indexed.

What getting indexed by Google means?

Getting your website indexed is when Google discovers the existence of your website pages. During the discovery process Googlebots – Google spiders automatically catalog what your website is all about, hence the importance of making the keywords that you would like to optimize for clear on each website page.
You can create and add new pages to your website, that doesn’t necessarily mean Google or other search engines for that matter know that they exist.

Here are the steps on how to get your site indexed by Google Fast.

  1. Go to Google Webmaster Tools
  2. Select the website you want to submit for if you already have Webmaster Setup. If not, you will need to go through the process of setting up Google Webmaster Tools.
  3. Click on crawl on the left side
  4. Click fetch as Google on the left side
  5. Copy and paste the url of the web page you would like Google to index
  6. Then click Fetch and Render. This will allow you to see any page errors before you complete the submission
  7. You will either get a Complete or Partial Status
  8. You can also select the device that you want to Fetch and Render for. E.g Desktop or Mobile

To learn how to optimize your website to get found online by search engines, download our free guide or sign up for one of our live in-person seo classes in NYC.


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