
Happy New Year to You.
I love the New Year, it’s an opportunity to start over. It’s filled with new possibilities and it provides me with an opportunity to challenge myself to do better in my business than I did last year.

Are you excited about the possibilities for your business this New Year?

If yes, that’s great!

Do you have a goal to grow your business this year?

Did you have the same goal last year? If so how did you do? If you succeeded great, keep doing what you are doing.

If you fell short of your business goals. I would like to suggest you take a different approach this year and try something different. You just might have an amazing 2015.

Here are a few things that you can do differently this year, to achieve your revenue and business goals in 2015.

For example start sending out a monthly newsletter to existing clients and prospects. Launch a pay per click or search engine optimization campaign. Start speaking for leads at events where your target market is in attendance. Start writing articles for online publications where your target market visits. By just doing one more thing effectively, you can see an increase in the amount of leads and sales you generate for your business.

A lot of times business owners focus on getting new customers, rather than focusing on taking care of the customers they have. Focus on strengthening the relationship you have with your existing customers by looking for ways to continue to serve them. This New Year, try to get to know your customers better, reach out to them more often, ask them what their needs are. You might just be surprised how much business you are missing by not paying more attention to the customers you already have. Be more proactive. Touch base with them at least once per month.

Many times business owners lower their price to attract new customers. But lowering your price can often hurt your business and how it is perceived. Low prices are often associated with cheap and poor quality. More often this will cost you higher end customers who value quality and convenience and are willing to pay a premium for it. Most importantly, lowering your price puts a significant dent in your revenue, often resulting in losses.

According to Forbes, 97% of consumers now search for local businesses online, which means that your website plays a critical role in your customer acquisition efforts. Yet the majority of small businesses take a set it and forget approach to their website, rather than utilizing it to get more customers. Why not update your website by changing the copyright to reflect 2015. Update your testimonials page with fresh testimonials. Take a look at your content and see if your message is still relevant to your business today, if not update it. Most importantly, ensure that your website is mobile friendly. It is expected that more consumers will access the internet via a mobile device than desktop this year and beyond.
Wishing you an incredibly successful New Year.  To get marketing tips visit our marketing resources page or contact us for a free consultation at 877-877-4936.

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