
Is increasing traffic to your website a challenge for you? Would you like to generate more leads and sales for your website? Follow these 5 steps and you would not only increase traffic to your website, but double your existing traffic.


1.Create content based on the questions your audience is asking

It doesn’t matter what type of business you’re in, whether you’re a traditional business or a lifestyle blogger, one of the biggest mistakes that is costing you website traffic is not being strategic about the topics you write about. Your audience is searching online for answers; it’s your job to create content around the questions they are asking. To do so requires a bit of research. Tools like Buzzsumo make it easy to find out what’s popular in your niche and provide you with popular content ideas.


2.Optimize your content for maximum search engine visibility

After you have found out what topics your audience is searching for, to increase visibility and get more traffic to your website you need to optimize your content to rank at the top of search engines.


3.Submit your content to search engines for faster indexing

It can take weeks or months before search engines come back to crawl your website and index your content. The fastest way to get your content added to search engines’ index is to submit your content manually as soon as it is published. Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools make it easy for you to do so.


4.Build backlinks to get your content to show up higher on search engines

Optimizing your content with the words you want to show up on search engines for will only get you so far in a competitive market. The next step is to get your content to rank on the first page of search engines. That requires obtaining links from other websites to yours, known as backlinks.  The best tip for getting backlinks easily is to create AMAZING content that others would want to link to and share.


5.Increase the amount of content you create

Studies show that companies that blog more increase traffic by about 55% and gain 97% more inbound links. To double your traffic, start creating more content and be more intentional and strategic about the content you create. In no time, you’ll start seeing more traffic. Your target audience is searching on Google for the content you are creating. These tips will help you get your content in front of the people who are searching for it and increase your website traffic in the process.

Follow this 5 step process repeatedly and the sky is the limit for how much traffic you can generate.

Want to Learn How to Put This Strategy Into Place & Create Content that Will Show up at the top of Search Engines & Increase Website Traffic?
Consider taking my two-day SEO Workshopwhere I show you how to find out what to write about and how to get your content at the top of search engines.
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