
A successful website redesign is the result of you being satisfied with the end-product and your objectives for the redesign ultimately being met. Obviously, the purpose of your website redesign is to solve a problem and each day that goes by, that problem lingers and in many cases, cost your business, affects your bottom line, credibility and effectiveness as a business.


Here are a few tips to make your website redesign a success

Get Prepared

If you’re investing in a website redesign, take the time to get prepared before you engage with a web designer or company.  Research the type of website that you like, what your competitors are doing, and most importantly work on your content. Be clear of what you would like your new website to achieve and what functions you want it to have and most importantly what function it will play in your business.

Be Collaborative

Sure, you have hired a web design expert, but don’t just leave it up to them. After all, you know your business and your customers better than anyone else. Be collaborative; give your input, both creatively and strategically. This will only make your website redesign more effective.

Be Flexible

In order to boost website conversion and lead generation, scientifically some things make more sense. For example, an orange call to action button is proven to show higher conversions, don’t fight your designer on it just because you prefer a black. Remember that you are not designing your website for you; you are designing it to serve the needs of your target audience.

Get Feedback From Customers- Before you approve your design concept, get feedback from your customers. After all, you’re designing it for them. How well they are able to interact with your website, get answers to their problems, and perform an action will ultimately determine the results you can expect from a conversion standpoint.
Are you planning a website redesign? If so what are some of the things you hope to accomplish?  Leave a comment.

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