
I recently had some time to kill before my meeting started, so I decided to visit one of my favorite websites using my smartphone. To my surprise, as I pulled up the website, I could not go beyond the homepage. The website was literally stuck, the tabs didnā€™t work on my mobile smartphone, so I had no choice but to hit the back button and go to their competitorā€™s website, which was mobile friendly and provided a great browsing experience on my mobile smartphone.

I then wondered, how many other business websites out-there are not mobile or tablet friendly, that are losing business, because visitors are hitting the back button?


So, I have to ask, is your business website mobile and tablet friendly? If the answer is no, why not?


The statistics are convincing.

If you donā€™t think it needs to be, consider this for a minute. According to February 28, 2014 CNNMoney article, ā€œAmericans used smartphone and tablet apps more than PCs to access the internet last month (January 2014) ā€“the first time that has ever happened.Ā  As of January, 55% of American adults had smartphones, while 42% owned tablets. Smartphone adoption, increased 39%.


Why the surge in smartphone and tablet usage?

The convenience that smartphones and tablets offer is certainly more appealing than using a desktop or laptop.Ā  One can use their smartphone or tablet from the sofa, the train and under the covers. Your target market are visiting your website on the go, while waiting to get their car wash, while on their way to a meeting, searching for directions to a restaurant or looking at a menu. Itā€™s undeniable that consumers are browsing the internet any chance they get with their smartphones and tablets.


Increase in smartphone and tablet usage provides good opportunity for business.

According to a recent article by, ā€œconsumers are carrying around technology in their pockets, and businesses have the opportunity to communicate with customers and prospects much more frequently.ā€Are you going to capitalize on this opportunity for your visitors to browse your website easily and effortlessly, or are you going to let visitors continue to hit the back button and go to your competitorā€™s website?

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