When it comes to your website, do you feel as confident about the impression your website gives as you feel when going to meet a prospective client or when you get all dressed up for that big job interview?
Do you feel like your website is dressed for success, and giving the best impression it can of your company?
Why is this question important? Because very often, your website would be the first interaction that your prospects make with your company before they even pick up the phone to call you.
If you have to think twice about it, chances are it’s not.
According to Forrester Research, 85% of people will visit your website before they decide to contact you.
Get your foot in the door with prospects by making sure your website is dressed for success. Check your website against the following:
• Make the Right First Impression
When a visitor gets to your website, would they be instantly impressed, just like that interviewer who gave you points the moment they met you because you looked like you were dressed for success? Does your website look sharp? Your website should look clean, with items properly aligned, headlines should be clear, body text should be distinguishable, and key points should be bolded to stand out. Images should portray the message and point you are trying to get across. Clipart is a No-No. All your graphics should be used to tell a story.
• The right color combination
Color matters on the web, just as it did when you decided what to wear on that big job interview. Is your website color too dull, too colorful, or just right? Colors have meaning, and especially when it comes to your website, it has an impact on how easy it is for visitors to read your content or how connected your visitors feel with your business.
• Your Resume
Just like on your resume you would highlight your objectives and your accomplishments, it’s important to do the same on your website, to captivate the interest of prospects. Let them know what you can do for them and how eager you are to help them solve their problem, and highlight your successes by adding testimonials and case studies and showcasing your work.
• How to Get in Touch
The first thing you put on a resume is your contact information at the top. Does your website make it easy for people to get in touch with you and give several options, or do they have to dig deep to find your phone, email, and address? Or is your website contact form even functioning properly?
A job interview and selling to prospects for new business may be two different scenarios, but they all come down to the same thing… Your Bottom Line. Whether you will get the job to pay your bills or have a constant flow of new business to keep your business afloat and take care of your family.
If you are uncertain about whether or not your website is dressed for success, Contact us today for a FREE Website Evaluation – No Obligation by visiting us online or Call 877-877-4936.