

If you are wondering what the best way to learn SEO is, then this article is for you. I will provide you with five options based on your learning style, needs, skill level, schedule, and budget.

Each of these options will cover all the fundamentals you need to learn to succeed at SEO, including keyword research, onpage SEO, off page SEO, technical SEO and, of course, SEO writing.

Why Learn SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) is one of the marketing skills employers request most.

In addition, SEO salaries continue to rise whether you’re working for a company or thinking about starting an SEO business.

Learning SEO provides you with great flexibility if you decide that you would like to work remotely or have a more flexible schedule as an SEO freelancer.

How to Learn SEO?

SEO is a bankable skill because it is in high demand, and just about any business, small or large, can benefit from high-quality SEO.  I have compiled what I believe to be five of the best ways to learn SEO.

1. Read SEO articles and Blogs

If you are budget-conscious, and you would like to learn to do SEO by yourself, SEO articles and blogs would be a great place to start. Websites like MOZ, a company that develops SEO tools, maintain active blogs that consist of beginner to advanced SEO content.

One of the disadvantages, however, is that when you are learning from articles and blogs, it may be difficult to find structure due to the overwhelming amount of information out there.

2. Take an online SEO Course

You can also learn SEO online through an online course, which provides such benefits as flexibility and the ability to learn at your own pace. Websites such as Lynda and Udemy provide a wide range of online SEO courses at very affordable prices.

Also, compared to learning through blogs and articles, online SEO courses may provide more structure, making it easier for you learn.

To determine if taking an online SEO course is right for you, consider whether you enjoy learning remotely, on your own, or alongside a live instructor whom you can interact with, ask questions of, and get instant feedback from.

Ask yourself: are you disciplined enough to complete an online course? Studies show that most people who enroll in online courses don’t finish them.

3. Attend a Live SEO Training

A USA Today article citing theresults of a new national research study found that 78% of more than 1,000 students surveyed still believe it is easier to learn in a classroom.

Are you someone who learns best in a traditional classroom setting with a live instructor? If so, then a live SEO training course may be best for you. Live SEO classes provide social interaction with instructors and peers and allow you the opportunity to work on group projects and get support from your instructor to facilitate greater learning.This form of training also allows you to learn SEO step by step in a structured and organized format.

4. Hire an SEO Coach

If you are the type of person that needs more personalized, one-on-one attention, then hiring an SEO coach may be the ideal option for you. SEO coaching can be done both in person or virtually. If you choose one-on-one coaching instead of group coaching, you will also have the flexibility to schedule your coaching sessions on the days and at the times that are convenient to you. However, this may be a costlier option.

5. Book a Private Trainer

Another great, convenient, and fast way to learn SEO is to book a Private SEO training session. This approach is ideal for in-house companies or individuals who would like training that is tailored to their needs and skill level. Training can be half day, one day, or multiple days, which can be very productive, accelerating your learning.

Finally, whatever you choose, ensure that you are learning search engine optimization (SEO) from someone with a proven track record for success.That way you will know you are in good hands. Ask for proof and testimonials, read reviews, and find out what keywords that site or company is already ranking for.

What is your learning style?  Tell us below in the comments.


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