
I read a recent case study in Fast Company that showed on a scale of 1-5 a 1 point increase in the perception of professionalism lead to a double digit increase in revenue.  Starting with a professional web design will send the right message to your target customers and result in an increase in leads and sales for your business.


Communicating the right message on your website will not only resonate with the heart strings of your target customers but will make them feel more comfortable doing business with you, knowing that you understand what they are looking for. Focus on benefits. A great way to hit your customers with the right message is using testimonials that elaborate on the results a customer received from working with you. This helps eliminate the need for you to create original content on your own.

Social Media

Integrate social media onto your website, so that your prospects and customers can stay connected to you in the medium that they prefer.  “The Rule of Seven is an old marketing adage. It says that a prospect needs to see or hear your marketing message at least seven times before they take action and buy from you.” By using social media you can continuously stay in front of prospects and customers where they are.

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