
Visitors to your website are there because they are interested in your products and/or services and they are ready to buy.
Yet most small businesses struggle with getting sales via their website because too much focus is placed on driving traffic to the website and not enough focus is placed on getting visitors to convert into a lead or a sale.Logically, if you get 100 visitors to your website and you currently only get 5% of those visitors to convert into a lead, your goal should be to increase your lead generation to 10% rather than pour more money into advertising because you already have people who are interesting in buying coming to your website, your goal should be to get more of those people to contact you, because the cost will be a lot less and the rewards a lot greater.

Start Paying Attention to Conversions

Do you know what percentage of your website visitors convert into a lead, signup for a report or perform an inquiry. If not, you need to install analytics into your website in order to start tracking your website statistics and data. One of the best tools out there is Google Analytics and best of all it is free. If you have access to updating your website on your own, then it shouldn’t cost you anything to install Google Analytics. A simple email to your web master can also help you setup Google Analytics for an additional charge.

What Are Your Money Pages?

Which pages on your website is converting the highest and bring you the most leads, perhaps its best to duplicate the strategy used on that page on other web pages or direct more of your website traffic to that page. Again, this is all data that Google Analytics can provide you with once installed.

What Are Your Dead Pages?

What pages on your website have the highest bounce rate. Meaning visitors fall off after this page, hit the back button or move on to the next site. Identify this page, and make improvements so that you can boost conversion on your website to increase lead generation on sales.
Each page on your website should be used as an opportunity to convert visitors into leads, find out what your formula is for converting leads, by paying attention to high converting pages or employing conversion tactics such as free giveaways, contest, games and more to boost website conversion, lead generation and sales.
Nicole McCullum is the founder of Captivate Designs a website redesign company that specializes in web design Las Vegas. If you are looking for Las Vegas Web Design, please feel free to contact Captivate Designs for a free consultation at 877-877-4936

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