
If you are serious about growing your business employing a successful internet marketing strategy is the key. Making sure that you have a solid web presence that is consistent with your marketing message, market collateral and ongoing promotions and advertising is paramount because, your website will be the driving force behind how well your advertising and promotion converts your target customers. In most instances, whether you run tv ads, print ads, display ads, attend trade shows, or rely on referrals, your website is the first place that anyone who comes into contact with your marketing will go to learn more about your company, what you have to offer, and whether or not you can fulfill their needs.

But if these reasons aren’t enough, here are  the top 10 proven reasons to redesign your website if you would like to be successful online and grow your business.

1. You have added additional products and/or services or additional features to products or bundled your services and your website does not reflect this new change.
2. Your website is outdated and has not adapted to web 2.0 best practices as yet.
3. Every day, you are scratching your head as to why your website isn’t generating leads, although you are getting lots of traffic.
4. Your visitor to conversation analytics is way below what it should be.
5. Your website has not been optimized for search engines by utilizing keywords throughout your page titles, page headers and meta data.
6. Your website was built in Flash and its’ very difficult for users to access it via their smartphone.
7. Your websites fails cross compatibility browser testing, leading to visitors seeing something completely different in different browsers. This could significantly affect the credibility of your company and portray the wrong image.
8. You lack the ability to make changes and update your website on your own and you would like to have the ability to do so whenever you like.
9. Your website lacks the intuitiveness and user-friendliness of other websites, becoming increasingly frustrating to your website visitors leading to an unacceptable bounce rate.
10. Your current website structure is not scalable and does not allow you to add more pages to reflect the expansive growth of your company. Furthermore, as the web moves more to content, you are way behind, in using content to drive lead generation and sales.
Nicole McCullum is the founder of Captivate Designs a Web Design Company specializing in Website Redesign. If you are considering a Web Redesign, please feel free to contact Captivate Designs for a Free Web Redesign Consultation.


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