

In a recent study by Janrain, nearly three quarters (74%) of online consumers stated that they get frustrated with websites when the content has nothing to do with their interests.

The solution: website personalization.

If you have ever purchased a book on Amazon, you may have noticed that once you log back in you are greeted by name, and they even display recommendations of other books that you might like. That is website personalization in action.

A more formal definition of website personalization is tailoring the content that an individual website visitor sees on your website to match various criteria’s, such as buyer persona, preferences, the stage of their buying journey etc.

Personalization is also referred to as one-to-one marketing. In a world where consumers are overwhelmed by the amount of marketing and content that is being thrown at them, website personalization allows you the opportunity to stand out and keep your visitors coming back. It allows you to provide the most targeted, relevant content to every individual that visits your site. Businesses can better capitalize on opportunities for sales by increasing conversions, removing barriers and objections and increasing website engagement.

Personalization is nothing new. Chances are you have been on the receiving end of a marketing email that included your name, or you have walked into your neighborhood restaurant where the waitress greeted you by name. It probably impressed you, and possibly turned you into a loyal customer. It made you feel good, and more than likely the experience made you want to go back to that restaurant.
Well big brands like Amazon and Netflix have been using website personalization for years, but because of the high cost involved in deploying such technology we haven’t seen small business adopting this strategy. There are now more cost effective solutions for small businesses to take advantage of.


How can website personalization benefit your business?

Taking the step to integrate website personalization as part of your marketing strategy will not only impress and wow your visitors, it will also help you to stand out and increase conversions, sales and revenue.

Website personalization is especially valuable if you serve clients in different industries. Instead of taking a one size fits all approach and serving the same content to all visitors, you can utilize website personalization to deploy content that each visitor wants to see – without having to create new content – by utilizing the right website personalization technology.

For example, let’s say that you are a business coach that serves different industries. A potential prospect has visited your website for the second time, and you now have their IP address. Website personalization allows you to automatically display content that is specific and relevant to that particular visitor, such as a case study, a free report or a specific call to action, making your website dynamic with constantly changing content automatically, rather than a static brochure that serves the same content each time to returning visitors.

In a recent survey conducted by Econsultancy and Monetate, it was reported that businesses that are currently personalizing web experiences have seen an increase in sales of 19% on average, and 94 percent of companies agreed that “personalization of the web experience is critical to current and future success.”
It’s time to maximize your website’s performance by making website personalization a part of your marketing strategy. If you are considering getting a website redesign, make it a point to incorporate website personalization to help boost conversion rates.


What steps are you taking to personalize your visitors online experience. Tell us in the comments below?


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