
As you embark on a website redesign, one way to improve your website conversion is to ensure that your website content sells!!!  Below are five tips for creating website content that will increase your website conversions, leads and sales.

Connect with Compelling Content

One of the top ways to capture the attention of your website visitors is to use attention grabbing headlines that address the problems they are facing, integrates your positioning and your unique value proposition or solution(s).

Use Your Content to Inform

Educating your customers on your products or services, what is different about your company and the solutions that you provide and why you are the best choice, is a key strategy for increasing leads and sales. It shows prospects that you are knowledgeable about the challenges they face and you know what the best solutions are.

Establish a Relationship

According to experts, only ten (10) percent of people that come into contact with your advertising will make a purchase right away. The key to increasing your return on investment, is building a long term relationship with your prospects. Utilizing your website is a vital tool in doing so, by capturing their information through a free subscription to your newsletter, a free report or whitepaper, access to a blog, or offering them the opportunity to connect with you on Social Media.  The longer you stay in front of your prospects and provide them with relevant useful information, the more credible you will appear to your prospects and the more likely they are to do business with you.

Your Content Must Flow Well

This means there is a logical, proven flow and strategy for your content that leads to the next step. You must have a clear strategy on the steps you want your visitors to take on each page. That step should be to move your visitor closer to a lead or a sale.

Your Content Must Promote Action

This means you invite visitors to do something that engages, informs, establish your relationship and ultimately results in sales. This could be a video, a free offer, like a consultation or free estimate, or an interactive quiz. People need help in making decisions; it’s your job to let them know what the next step is.
Nicole McCullum, is the founder of Captivate Designs an New York Web Design company specializing in Website Redesign. If you are interested in receiving a Free Website Redesign Consultation, please feel free to contact us at 877-877-4936.

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