Many business owners have heard by now that SEO is a great way to get website traffic and generate leads and sales for their business. However, they just don’t know where to start with SEO. In this article, I would like to share 3 key steps that will outline where to start with SEO.
The first step is determining if SEO is right for your business.
SEO is a great marketing tactic that puts you in front of the people that are searching for your product or service. However, if you are entering the market with a new product category that people are not searching for, then SEO may not be the right marketing tactic for you. You may get a better return through Direct advertising and branding such as Facebook Ads.
SEO works, if people are already searching online for the products or service that you offer
To determine if people are searching for the products or services that you offer. Go to Google and conduct a search for your product or service or if you’re a blogger the topic you are writing about. Are their paid ads for what you are searching for? This is a good indicator. Another way to determine if people are searching for what you have to offer, is to enter your product or service into a keyword tool that provides average search volume data (the number of times people search for a keyword).
Educate yourself on SEO
Learn how SEO works and what goes into creating a successful SEO strategy that yields results. Armed with this decision, you will be better equipped to either start working on optimizing your website yourself or determining if it’s better to hire an SEO company to do the work for you.
Determine what keywords you’re ranking for
You may already be ranking for some keywords that you may not be aware of if you haven’t been paying attention to your website analytics. One of the first things I do on any SEO project that I take on is setup the client with Google Search Console. Google Search Console helps you to monitor the health of your website and it gives you great insight into your website optimization. Within Google Search Console, under Search Analytics you can pull a report for Queries to see what keywords you are currently showing up for. Keywords are the words that a searcher will typically type into a search engine.
Now that you know where to start with SEO
If you’re ready to take a deeper dive into using SEO to rank at the top of search engines, increase your website traffic, leads and sales and grow your business, click here to take my SEO simplified training course.