
Every day I am approached by small business owners seeking a website redesign quote.  They are always very aware of what they want in their new website and the objectives that they would like to achieve. However, the moment I ask what is your website redesign budget, they go silent. Now, let’s be real, no matter what it is, a pair of shoes, a nice dress, a business suit, we all know how much we want to spend. There’s always that number that we don’t want to go over.I think most people don’t want to disclose their budgets for the fear that the website redesign company pricing may come back lower than what they had hoped to spend. However, very often that is not the case.


Here are a few reasons why you should disclose your website redesign budget

The reality is your unwillingness to disclose your budget actually hurts you, because you prevent yourself and your business from getting the best price, solutions to help you achieve your goals and the best company for you to partner with.

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