Website Redesign: hub

4 Ways a Website Redesign Can Help Your Business.

Many small businesses owners understand the importance of having a web presence in today’s business climate and got a website setup.  The problem is, most small business websites are poorly executed website templates that they did themselves or had a...

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How to Use Email Marketing to Get More Customers?

Email marketing is a great tool for generating sales and acquiring new customers because it is easy, fast and efficient and very affordable, yet many small business owners are overlooking this tool as a medium for generating sales. Typically within...

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3 Things You Can Do To Increase Your Business Success in 2014

I personally find that a new year is a great time to take stock of where you were last year, and where you would like to be this year and devise a plan on how to get there.  Perhaps you...

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Happy New Year to You! Are You Ready to Increase Your Revenue in 2014?

Happy New Year To You! If you are like me and many business owners I know, you set new goals to improve your business and increase your revenue in the New Year.Acquiring new clients and customers is one of the...

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