Is Your Website Mobile Friendly

Consider these statistics:

ā€œ57% of users wonā€™t recommend a business if it has a poorly designed mobile site.ā€ [Source: Google]
ā€œ40% have turned to a competitorā€™s website after a bad mobile experience.ā€ [Source: Google]

If your website is not mobile friendly, chances are you are losing mobile users and potential customers.

According to Small Business Trends, a comScore report says smartphones and tablets combined now account for 60 percent of all online traffic up from 50 percent a year ago.

How to tell if your website is mobile friendly?

Mobile is so important that Google now tell searchers if a website is mobile friendly or not. They have also implemented the mobile friendly test to help you ensure your website is mobile friendly.

Take Googleā€™s Mobile Friendly test to determine if your website is mobile friendly.

Determine how many mobile visitors your website is getting.

Another important factor to ensuring that you donā€™t lose mobile customers, is to determine how many of your existing website visitors are coming from Mobile. If you have Google Analytics installed. You can pull a report from the Audience Tab. Here is how to do that:

Simply Login to Google Analytics

Donā€™t Have Google Analytics Installed on Your Website.

If you donā€™t have Google Analytics installed on your website, you may want to do so. Google analytics provides you with a ton of data and insights such as:

Turn more mobile visitors into customers today!

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