According to, a value proposition is “a business or marketing statement that summarizes why a consumer should buy your product or use your service. This statement should convince a potential consumer that one particular product or service will add more value or better solve a problem than other similar offerings.”

In essence your value proposition is the number one reason why a prospect should do business with you. It is what your customers or clients will get as a result of doing business with you.

Why you need a value proposition?

Get your value proposition right and you are halfway to convincing your target client that they should do business with you. Fail to answer what you do, who you do it for, and what benefit you provide your target market, and they will move on, costing you sales and lots of missed opportunities.

How to incorporate your value proposition?

Visit most entrepreneurs and small business websites, and you have no idea who they are or what they do. If their business name is not as straightforward as Acme Plumbing, and it is vague, such as Acme Care, prospects will leave your website. You have less than 3 seconds to tell people exactly who you are and what you do. Creating a compelling value proposition and placing it at the top of your website, where it is highly visible will help you convert more visitors into leads.

Contactually does a great job of getting their message across in a compelling way.  By their name alone you may not be able to tell exactly what they do. But from the time you land on their website, you are greeted with a professional website design that draws you in, and next you are able to read a message that delves into what they can do for you and who they do it for.

Their Main Headline: Maximize your Network ROI. More Referrals. More Repeat Business. Tells you exactly what you get from doing business with them.

Their Sub Headline: Contactually helps businesses follow up with the right people at the right time to maximize relationship ROI. Tells you who they help and how they deliver on their promise and then proceed to give two options for their various target market to choose from, Individuals or Teams.

Why Contactually is a Great Example?

Now take a look at your website and see how you can make it as effective as Contactually.
Not sure what to do? We can help you design and create a visually appealing website with a compelling value proposition at an affordable price.

Give us a call today to Get Started! 877-877-4936



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