Are you frustrated by the fact that your website is getting traffic but conversions are low? If so, there are a few key steps that you can take to improve your conversion rate.
Cross Check Your Ideal Clients to Your Current & Past Web Visitors
Naturally conversions will be low if your website traffic is not your ideal target market. If this is the case, then you need to take another look at where your traffic is coming from and whether or not you should continue to use that resource to drive traffic to your website. This information can easily be obtained by using any analytics tool. If you currently, do not have analytics setup you can start from today and wait for at least 30 days of traffic to evaluate your traffic sources and website visitors, who they are, where do they come from, what do they all have in common?
Make Your Content More Relevant
Each page on your website should be prepped for conversion. That means making sure that each page is addressing your target audience and has targeted relevant content no matter what page your visitor clicks on. Much like a landing page, if you offer different solutions for different target audience, create a content matrix that will be relevant to each audience.
Create Content Personas
Personas are a depiction of your ideal client or target market. Your visitor must get the impression that you know who they are and you understand them, this will help create an instant connection. This can be done using photographs that depict your typical customer or by using trigger words that create an emotional connection.
Building an effective website that effectively engages visitors and convert them is more than just having nice graphics. Your website must embody a total strategy that takes into account the moment the visitor arrives on your website, to ultimately leading them to take the desired action that you want them to take, this requires a well thought out strategy that flows effortlessly.