Author: admin

Why Blog? Find out why blogging is important for your business.

Why Blog? If you have asked yourself,‘why blog?’ or,‘should my business have a blog?’, these statistics may help you answer these questions. Companies that blog have 55% more website visitors B2C companies that blog get 88% more leads/month than those...

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Blog Title Generators – Never Worry About What to Blog About Again

Do you have a hard time coming up with blog title ideas? If so, blog title generators make life a bit easier for bloggers, or businesses with a blog. Most importantly, they cut down on the time it would take...

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13 FREE SEO TOOLS That Will Help You Succeed at SEO

To succeed at SEO you need the right SEO tools. Fortunately, there are a lot of free SEO tools that are very valuable and useful in helping you accomplish just about any SEO task. The following is a list of...

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How to convert leads into clients and sales?

Are you giving up too easily? These sales statistics will blow your mind and help you convert leads into sales.   Did you know that "80% of sales require five follow-ups?" …But, 50% of people give up after the first...

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How to do SEO?

Learning how to do SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can be overwhelming. Backlinks, Keywords, On-page, Off-page, what does it all mean? This article is designed to answer these questions and simplify how to do SEO. To excel at SEO, it is...

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Where to Start with SEO? Simple, Actionable Steps to Take Now

  Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the top ways a website receives traffic, yet many businesses miss out because they don’t know where to start with SEO. Search engine optimization doesn’t have to be overwhelming, in fact it’s...

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7 Steps to Get More Sales From Your Website

I spoke with a client recently, who exalted about how much business he is getting from his website and that his business would probably be dead if it wasn’t for his website. I love hearing these success stories from my...

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Mobile First Indexing – Google to Rank Websites Based on The Mobile Version

As the use of mobile searches continues to rise, Google is beginning to test mobile first indexing. What Does Mobile First Indexing Mean? Until now, Google has generally ranked websites based on the desktop version of your website content, including...

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SEO Basics: Where to Start with SEO?

Many business owners have heard by now that SEO is a great way to get website traffic and generate leads and sales for their business. However, they just don’t know where to start with SEO. In this article, I would...

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Changes to Google Keyword Planner Tool; Alternatives Options & How to Get Around it.

I have been receiving questions on what the best alternatives are to Google Keyword Planner Tool. The reason being, Google has now restricted its tool and the data it provides to free users. Here are some of the restrictions and...

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