Author: admin

3 Things You Can Do To Increase Your Business Success in 2014

I personally find that a new year is a great time to take stock of where you were last year, and where you would like to be this year and devise a plan on how to get there.  Perhaps you...

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Happy New Year to You! Are You Ready to Increase Your Revenue in 2014?

Happy New Year To You! If you are like me and many business owners I know, you set new goals to improve your business and increase your revenue in the New Year.Acquiring new clients and customers is one of the...

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Transform your website into a professional web presence and sales tool

Design I read a recent case study in Fast Company that showed on a scale of 1-5 a 1 point increase in the perception of professionalism lead to a double digit increase in revenue.  Starting with a professional web design...

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How to Get More Referrals Using Facebook?

I’m sure that you’ll agree that referrals is one of best ways to get new business.  The problem is that it is unpredictable and asking for referrals can be daunting. But what if you had a way to get more...

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Is Your Email Address Affecting Your Business Image?

Last week I was researching companies in order to hire a professional consultant. In doing so, I needed to fill out an online form to request additional information.  Normally, when I am doing research I use a different email address...

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What is a Content Strategy?

A content strategy is devised and implemented by organizations as another marketing tactic to increase lead generation, build authority and obtain greater search engine exposure and website traffic by creating engaging, relevant content that are useful and valuable to their...

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What a Perfectly Optimized Page Looks Like?

  Now that you know how to find the right keywords to optimize your website to get found online by your ideal clients. I would like to provide you with an example of a perfectly optimized  page. In the example...

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5 Questions to Ask When Gathering Information for a Website Redesign…

  Planning a website redesign is no small task, but being well informed can help you avoid surprises after you have signed the contract to redesign your website.  While evaluating website redesign companies to choose to work with, there are...

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Why You Should Disclose Your Budget When Requesting a Website Redesign Quote?

Every day I am approached by small business owners seeking a website redesign quote.  They are always very aware of what they want in their new website and the objectives that they would like to achieve. However, the moment I...

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How to Use Your Website Redesign to Get More Sales from Facebook?

Lately, I have been very impressed with many of my small business clients who are doing an incredible job at marketing their business using Facebook. They are engaging their customers and prospects alike and in return they are generating new...

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