Website Redesign: hub

Follow These Steps to Find Keywords that Will Get You to The Top of the Search Engines

#1 First, think about the words that describe your business or what your prospective and existing customers will use to describe your business. This is just a start. The goal is to get as specific as you can with your...

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7 SIGNS you’re Killing Your Website Chances of Getting Top Placement on Google.

If you have a website, chances are your goal is to use it to generate more business. One of the most effective and affordable ways to do so is to market your business via search engines using search engine optimization...

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New York Web Design – How to Get at Least One New Customer per Week using Your Website

Perhaps I sound like a broken record, but it’s because it really works. Your website is a marketing tool that is built to work in unison with your other marketing efforts. Building a website alone won’t bring you results. But...

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Add This to Your Website Design to Keep Google Coming Back… Find Out How?

If you own a website, you have probably heard about Sitemaps. Typically, Sitemaps were used mainly to direct your human visitors to the pages of your website and were typically formatted in html. Today, Sitemaps are used to get search...

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Website Design – Why Small Businesses Should Think BIG!

The internet offers the opportunity for small businesses to level the playing field with bigger competitors, but yet many small business owners fail to take advantage of this opportunity by not paying attention to their image and branding. Perception is...

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15 Minutes to Talking Web

Very often, web and internet marketing terminology is foreign to business owners, in order to alleviate this issue, I would like to share with you a few key terms, that you should become familiar with, because it is paramount to...

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5 Web Design Add-ons That Will Enhance Your Visitors Experience & Increase Conversions

Getting a website design is not about you. It’s about your website visitors, and what you can do to make it easy for them to do business with you. When a visitor gets to your website, if they are not...

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Four Call to Actions Your Website Visitors Can’t Resist.

Driving qualified traffic to your website is only piece of the internet marketing puzzle. Your website must be setup to get your visitors to take action. An effective website design fuses creative graphics with technology and strategic placement of your...

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Six Surefire Ways for Engaging Your Website Visitors and Increasing Lead Generation…

Naturally, as the owner of a business website, your first instinct is to drive traffic to your website after your website design or website redesign. But when you have successfully driven qualified traffic to your website and those visitors don’t...

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Ecommerce Website Design – Five Tips for Success.

Gone are the days where you need to have a brick and mortar store in order to run a successful retail business, and welcome to the world of ecommerce.The success of taking your retail business online starts with a solid...

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