Tag: web redesign

5 Website Redesign Pitfalls to Avoid!

Embarking on a website redesign can be a very good thing for your business, if you are not happy with your website performance or your website image and you are looking to boost your website conversion rate. However, the last...

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How to Expand Your Business by Getting Past the Growth Wall That Keeps You Stuck!

There comes a time when every solo or small business owner reaches a plateau in their business, where both revenue and growth begins to stagnate. Sales are flat and burnout and overwhelm seeps in.  How do you get past this...

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Are You Addressing These Two Questions on Your Website?

Every business needs to address two questions on their website in a compelling manner, if they are to successfully generate leads and maximize sales. What Are the Pain Points of My Target Customers? Why I am the Ideal Company For...

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Are Social Networking Sites More Effective Than Newsletters and RSS Feeds?

Let’s put it this way, I recently received a spring catalog from Kripalu Yoga Center. It seems to be a great place for yoga retreats, a recent interest of mine.In any event, since they are based in the Berkshires, and...

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Great Tips by Anita Campbell of Small Biz Trends on How to Raise awareness for your business.

Since my businesses are primarily online publishing businesses, we focus 90% of our marketing efforts online.  We create awareness through content marketing, social media and search engine optimization.  We do a little through advertising — mainly retargeting ads that remind...

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Website Redesign – 5 Tips For Increasing Website Conversions with Content That Sells

As you embark on a website redesign, one way to improve your website conversion is to ensure that your website content sells!!!  Below are five tips for creating website content that will increase your website conversions, leads and sales. Connect...

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Website Redesign – How to Develop an Online Marketing Strategy?

Thinking about redesigning your website? Follow these five steps to develop a successful online marketing strategy. 1. Define your market Your market is the specific people you intend to serve. For example, you are a remodeler, targeting married couples, who...

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How to Get Clients from Your Website?

Building an effective website may seem like an easy task. However, once you launch your website and you are unable to get clients from it , you will find yourself become increasingly frustrated. That is because; a website is more...

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New York Web Design – Our Take on Google Plus.

Google recently took a major step into entering the social network marketing foray by launching Google Plus (+1). Google +1 is still in its testing stages and has only been rolled out to small fraction of users and it should...

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Increase Email Open Rates and Conversions – 5 Proven Tips for Email Marketing Success.

Email marketing should become an essential part of any small business marketing strategy. According to experts, only 10 percent of people that come into contact with your advertising message will make a purchase right away. The key to marketing success...

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