Author: admin

3 Indicators it May Be Time to Redesign Your Website.

I recently met an attorney who specializes in business law and she told me that she was embarrassed by her website. As a result, she has not taken opportunities to attend speaking engagements. She knew that speaking engagements would help...

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What is SEO – Search Engine Optimization?

What is SEO ? SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization, it is also referred to as organic or natural search results. Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the process of implementing key tactics on your website and off...

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How to Use Instagram to Market Your Business?

I was fortunate enough to go sailing this weekend, and I uploaded a picture of my friends and I sailing on Instagram.  Within seconds I received likes and comments from others on Instagram, all because I created the hashtag #sailing...

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Does Your Website Content Address the Problem Your Target Market is Facing?

I recently contacted a friend to ask if she knew of a good dermatologist, in turn she recommended one, let’s call her Jane Doe.  I Googled Jane Doe and found her website and proceeded to read through her website to...

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Is Your Business Website Mobile and Tablet Friendly?

I recently had some time to kill before my meeting started, so I decided to visit one of my favorite websites using my smartphone. To my surprise, as I pulled up the website, I could not go beyond the homepage....

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3 Ways to Keep Cash Flowing into Your Business in Slow Times.

If you have been in business for a while you may have experienced great times and slow times, when the cash just isn’t flowing in.  In addition, events beyond our control may make it difficult for you to do business....

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5 Website Inclusions that Boost Your Business Credibility.

I was recently at a client meeting, the firm has over 500 employees and has been in business for over 20 years. At the meeting, the owner confided to me that they do not use their website to get business,...

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How to Use Social Media to Spread the Word About Your Business?

I recently attended a marketing mixer and while there, the sponsor of the event got up to thank everyone for coming. He then proceeded to tell everyone that if they took out their phones and tweet hashtag #strategyhack that they...

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4 Ways a Website Redesign Can Help Your Business.

Many small businesses owners understand the importance of having a web presence in today’s business climate and got a website setup.  The problem is, most small business websites are poorly executed website templates that they did themselves or had a...

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How to Use Email Marketing to Get More Customers?

Email marketing is a great tool for generating sales and acquiring new customers because it is easy, fast and efficient and very affordable, yet many small business owners are overlooking this tool as a medium for generating sales. Typically within...

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