Author: admin

5 Tips for Creating Effective Website Calls to Action That Produce Better Results

Everyday business owners contact me about their website and one of their biggest frustration is their website isn’t performing.  They are getting traffic but very little leads. As I review their website to identify what the problem is, one of...

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How to Get Leads From Linkedin with Little Effort…

For most, setting up a Linkedin Profile is the thing to do, because everyone says you should have a Linkedin Profile.  So they set it up and never really expect much.But, the fact is you should pay more attention to...

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How to Get the Most Out of Facebook Marketing?

Facebook has become a force to be reckoned with and most businesses have taken the opportunity to use this platform to maximize their business’ profitability and maintain and strengthen relationships with existing customers, as well as increase referrals.With over nine...

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5 Tips for a Website Redesign That Captivate’s Your Visitors Attention.

You have three seconds to captivate the attention of your website visitors; from the moment they land on your website, your job is to make sure that your website is one that appeals to your visitors visually, so that they...

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Marissa Mayer Appointment – Can Women Still Argue That there is a Glass Ceiling?

I must admit that I am quite fascinated with Marissa Mayer, but who isn’t at this point.  From compiling recipe books and creating a spreadsheet with all the ingredients for cupcakes to being the first engineer at Google or more...

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What do these website characteristics say about your business?

I am certain as a business owner you have a long list of adjectives that you would like your business to be perceived as, such as: you’re a professional business you’re credible you provide quality you’re trustworthy you’re stable  ...

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Attract New Customers with these 4 Proven Steps.

The internet offers a multitude of options for marketing your business online. The challenge lies in selecting the best options and strategy that will help you attract new customers. The following 4 steps have consistently worked to help my clients...

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5 Questions Every Website Redesign Must Address.

The effectiveness of your website content is just as important as the quality of your design. It’s the next stage that determines if your website visitors will be engaged or if they will proceed to another website.  Anticipating the questions...

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How to Make Your Website Redesign a Success?

A successful website redesign is the result of you being satisfied with the end-product and your objectives for the redesign ultimately being met. Obviously, the purpose of your website redesign is to solve a problem and each day that goes...

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How to Increase Cash Flow and Eliminate Accounts Receivables?

Lately, I have been very impressed with vendors at Flea Markets, Farmers Markets and Conferences. They have the ability to accept credit card payments by simply using their mobile devices such as an iPhone, Android or iPad. This allows them...

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